Monitoring the Implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility: stocktaking against the clock
The Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) has advanced to the implementation phase of the national plans. The Facility timeline is both demanding and complex, driven by separate tracks for grants and loans, and tight deadlines for the multiple actors involved simultaneously.
This blog presents with a “two-shot infographic”, the detailed chronograph of the RRF 2021-2028 lifespan, timing key points of intervention of all relevant actors at EU and national levels: European Commission, Council, EU Member States, European Parliament and the European Court of Auditors.
Figure 1 looks back at the 2021 RRF record. It is complemented with stocktaking of progress towards thirteen of the 2021 “milestones”, introduced with active hyperlinks. Information and links to external data have been last updated as of 9 January 2022.
Figure 2 looks forward at the 2022-2028 RRF horizon. In anticipatory mode, it “checks and compares the clock” on key upcoming obligations and deadlines.
Figure 1: Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) 2021

Recovery and Resilience Facility 2021: Stocktaking on 13 milestones
- The 2021-25 Strategy of the European Court of Auditors
- All MSs apart from The Netherlands have submitted their recovery and resilience plans 26 submitted NRRPs
- The EC has given positive assessment to 22 out of the 26 submitted NRRPs. Pending are the assessments of Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland and Sweden
- European Court of Auditors NGEU Audit Strategy
- Council implementing decisions have been published for 19 out of the 22 NRRPs positively assessed by the EC: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain. Council implementing decisions regarding Estonia, Finland, Romania are currently in written procedure
- MSs may request loan support until 31.08.2023. So far, 7 countries have requested loan support with their original NRRPs: Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Slovenia
- Public disclosure of the operational arrangement (OA) text is conditional upon MS agreement. So far, 5 MSs have signed and agreed to disclose OAs with the EC : France, Greece, Italy, Slovakia, Spain
- By virtue of the OAs, the EC has concluded individual legal commitments with the same 5 MSs: France, Greece, Italy, Slovakia, Spain
- 13% pre-financing has been advanced to 20 MSs. This includes 18 out of the 19 MSs for which the Council has adopted implementing decisions: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus (grants and loans), Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece (grants and loans), Italy (grants and loans), Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal (grants and loans), Slovakia, Slovenia (only for grants), Spain. Ireland still hasn’t received 13% pre-financing. It also includes 2 of the MSs for which the Council implementing decision is still in written procedure: Estonia and Romania (only for grants). Finland hasn’t received 13% pre-financing.
- 4 MSs have submitted request for payment following pre-financing: France, Greece, Italy, Spain
- 1 MS has received payment following pre-financing: Spain (grants)
- Scoreboard
- The latest, so far 4th, Dialogue took place on 13th December 2021. The next round is envisaged to take place by end of February 2022.
NB: All information and links to resources have been last updated as of 9 January 2022.
Figure 2: Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) 2022-2028

*Council implementing decisions on the approval of the national plans of Estonia, Finland and Romania were adopted by written procedure in October 2021.
This blog is part of EIPA’s broader and ongoing work on #RRF and #TSI. In the course of 2022, it will be followed by further contributions examining key aspects of RRF/TSI interplay, RRF implementation and preparation of payment requests.
For more information about Recovery and Resilience Facility, we refer to the publication from Marco Lopriore: “Recovery and Resilience Plans for the Next Generation EU: a unique opportunity that must be taken quickly, and carefully”
The views expressed in this blog are those of the authors and not necessarily those of EIPA.